Community driven automation platform for 400 million small and medium enterprises

Messaging + Excel + Drive = Accessible and affordable automation

Discover how conversational automation can automate your enterprise of one person or a team of ten thousand.

Why neome?


An average large enterprise has 100s of apps with so much context switching for end users; it is mind-boggling.

An average medium enterprise can't compete effectively because of a vast automation backlog; it is mind-boggling.

An average small enterprise has almost no apps and uses paper forms, ledger books, or Excel to conduct business; it is mind-boggling.

Whether you are a large, medium, or small enterprise, neome gives you a conversational interface, a simple app-building environment with a library of templates, and a community of developers to help you leapfrog into a fully automated enterprise.

Without end-to-end automation, it would be hard for your enterprise to survive. neome is your automation backbone; bring your people, apps, devices, and partners together.

How neome works?

Give every person on your team an automated personal assistant.

If you know how to text, you already know how to use neome. If you know how to create spreadsheets, you already know how to build with neome.

neome has many built-in templates and is simple to program, use, and run. You can gradually automate your enterprise one use case at a time.

By fusing messaging, spreadsheets, and drive, neome, by design, is accessible, affordable, and pluggable, as illustrated in the field operations workflow.



  • 1. How quickly can I connect my distributors, vendors, customers, and employees on a single platform?
  • 2. How quickly can I scale my enterprise from x customers to 10x customers?
  • 3. How quickly can I integrate people and processes?
  • 4. How quickly can I bring AI and automation best practices to my enterprise?

  • 5. Am I the boss if I have to do so much mundane work?
  • 6. In the next five years, will the world still use a keyboard and mouse to interact with the software?
  • 7. Can I afford a few AI employees on my payroll and hedge my bets against obsolescence?
  • 8. What if my competition gets neome six months before I do?

neome will be a game-changer for your enterprise by providing a gradual path to AI-led automation transformation.

Contact us for a live demo or a walk-through. The trial is risk-free.

Learn more?

Go to documentation, articles, and case studies where you will find various paths to explore neome.

Ready to get started?
